OMA External Functionality Interface (EFI) Namespace

External Functionality (EF) is a general term for components or entities with embedded applications that execute outside of the OMA Application Environment, and conform to the EF Requirements. The External Functionality can be built-in or connected to a mobile terminal. This connection can be permanent or temporary and realized virtually with software or a real connection.

The External Functionality Interface (EFI) allows access to that functionality through the namespace corresponding to a special class of defined functionality; so called EF Class. The name scheme is defined in the EFI Framework [EFIFRM] document (see OMA-WAP-EFI-v1_1). A simple view of the model scheme is as follows:

'efi://' Server '/' [ Service ] [ '?' Parameters ]

In order to register a Server, a short descriptive name and link to a description of its use should be provided. The information to be included in a request may be found here.

To claim uniqueness of a specific class namespace, the Server name of this class is registered in this table.

Well-Known - Class Namespace defined in OMA SpecificationsNumber Space Sections
Server Name
Description of EF Class
Specification defining Class
Conformance Test ClassServ
Manage Application Class
Registered - Vendor Specified Class Namespace
Server Name
Description of EF Class
Specification defining Class
special all-purpose class name
Note that 'vnd' and 'agent' have special meanings and are only used as specific component part in the registered class namespace. Vendor registered classes must start with 'vnd.' and EF Class Agents may only end with '.agent'. No other uses for 'vnd' and 'agent' are permitted.